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Equality = Innovation - Workshop

Published: Thursday, November 22, 2012

Equality and innovation go hand in hand. Innovation is as relevant to equality as to business. Equality NGOs are reaching new audiences, employing new technologies and finding new solutions to longstanding equality challenges. Sports and arts organisations are becoming equality champions.

 This workshop organised by the Equality Authority will:

  • Explore the links between equality, innovation and civil society;
  • Showcase recent exciting equality innovation initiatives funded through the Equality Innovation Fund;
  • Launch Equality = Innovation: Case Studies from the Equality Innovation Fund;
  • Enable participants to engage directly with individual projects through interactive Marketplace of Ideas sessions;
  • Enable participants to find out about innovative practice that they can use in their own work. 

The workshop is aimed at civil society organisations, policymakers and funders. Participation is free of charge.

Workshop Programme

When: 20 November 2012, 9:45 am - 1:20 pm. followed by lunch

Where: Hilton Dublin, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2

To find out more information, to reserve your place at the workshop or to register, please contact Emma McBride at EKMcBride@equality.ie by Thursday, 15 November 2012.

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